Mindful Interiors - Free Magazine
Here is a free e-copy of a magazine I have just come across; as we spend much more time in our homes, let's create a sanctuary.
Having always worked from home, and I absolutely love it, I like my happy space, home, and surroundings. I have no problem with lockdowns. However, many people struggle with this newfound "Me" time! So that's where it is good to set some working hours boundary and get your space working for you. If you have a spare bedroom filled with bedroom furniture which just looks great, but you don't use it, then transform it into an office or workroom or dressing room. Don't live in your house the way it is if it doesn't work for you now. Having a four-bedroom home does not mean they have to stay as bedrooms; dining rooms don't have to be that if you never use them. Think about where the light comes in on the bit of the day you will be working and take that room; take the one which inspires you the most and makes that bedroom work for you now, not when you may sell it.
By finding your perfect space, you can set it out as a sanctuary, have some candles burning a comfy chair or a small sofa, have lights on the desk to create light without it being too overlit.
Really think about how you use your space, I was talking to an architect who was struggling to work from home, and he only had one bedroom, and it wasn't big enough to put in a desk. I would avoid at all cost placing the desk in a bedroom or lounge as you will never switch off. I suggested the dining room or kitchen diner, but he said it was on the ground floor, and the lounge on the first had better light, so he has compromised and is using the lounge because he works there better and has a view over the river.
If you are not sure which to room let me dowse it for you? I do an entire house dowsing session clearing all the energy or I can dowse you or simply just answer a question like which is for my 100% highest good, i.e., job, partner, house or room to have my office in, that way you can be sure you will be productive. I have moved three times in 18 months, and it hasn't been easy, but with my skills as a dowser, I was able to veer away from problems and use the space to the best of my ability. I lived in a temporary house on to a new housing development. They couldn't sell the houses, so they had to rent them out. I am told they ran out of money. Three families moved in, let's say A, B, C, all had lots of different issues with their property. I had dowsed mine and protected it before moving in, but I found it had been built on a considerable ground fracture line when I investigated; further, We couldn't find out where it had come from to stop it permanently. I stayed for three months. I couldn't bare another day and had to leave, it was causing all sorts of health issues, and I needed to get out. After I left, some unwelcome tenants arrived in the property next to mine, and the two other families had enough, both leaving before there contact had ended. It finally all collapsed around the owner's ears, and the whole site went into receivership. It was sold as one in an auction, although I could get investors to come in with me, and We could have made a lot of money you cannot get away from the fact they built the site on this ground fracture, not a lot can be done if you cannot find the end to stop it. If they asked me to survey the land first, I would have said you would have lots of problems that cannot be fixed and you will lose a lot of money; they would probably have done it anyway as greed slips in, and the most straightforward explanation is its hocus pokus! Well, it is not. I have been dowsing for ten years and have helped many people see my reviews. House and owner Pet.
It all is a fascinating discovery when you are dowsing sometimes it surprises me what you can dowse and how accurate you can be.