Keeping busy in lockdown!
Seat Makeover
By Kerrie Griffin
I hope everyone has been keeping busy
I’ve done a few painting projects this seat, I made a few years ago! I’ve painted it a couple of times already with Farrow and ball and I quite liked the cream it was before but was starting to look shabby. I’ve actually moved house a couple of times in the last few months and it’s got a bit damaged. The roof, a couple of pieces were hanging off and the seat was broken and needed repairing. I repaired the roof first by drilling down to fit the pieces which had come undone and then one slat was missing so I replaced it. The seat lid I took off completely and repaired screwed and glued it back together then repainted it whilst it was still off, obviously because we're in lockdown the only paint I had was some Farrow and Ball paint leftover from the conservatory at the farmhouse.
I decided as I hadn't got enough to finish the whole seat I was going to dilute the colour down with some white masonry paint. I added about eight parts white to the pitch-black there was about half a tin of pitch-black left and it made nearly a full tin 2.5 L. Make sure you mix it really well because when it goes on it can go quite stripey especially the darker the paint if it’s not mixed well enough and always make sure you’ve got enough paint before you start which I know it’s really difficult to work out.
Because I added the masonry paint it must have some sort of PVC in it I’m not entirely sure what it is but it went on almost like plastic so it’s left a really great finish it’s almost like it’s coated all of the bad bits which really could have done with filler so I didn’t even really need to fill the wood that was damaged because when the paints went on it it seems to even it out and it dried really quick, I guess that’s also to do with the masonry paint.
A great makeover what a difference!
I hope you all agree it looks absolutely stunning a piece of furniture that's a pleasure to look at now and somewhere inspiring to sit.
I’ve got some great biggie best French navy stripe linen which is beautiful, I’ve already covered a Vintage 1930 lounge chair in it for sale on the website and I’ve got some of the role left so I’d like to make a seat cushion because I made the seat with a lift-up lid I can store all the cushions underneath if I know its really going to rain.
Great for hanging a few things on a coat peg to give it that country look.
The roof makes it a perfect little G&T hiding place in the garden or somewhere covered to read in the rain with a hot cup of tea cake and one of our lovely throws to snuggle up under and keep warm whilst the weather does its thing. I've temporarily used some cushions I had on a lovely bench in my hall just temporary for effect. I sat there for a few hours in the sun and had a cup of green tea, it’s so lovely to sit and look at something you’ve done and created. I hope you’re all getting creative out there if you need any ideas or tips just head over to my Instagram post a photo and just ask me a question and I’m happy to help and hope I have inspired you.